April 3, 2024

Starting a New Job? Here is Your Checklist

Starting a New Job? Here is Your Checklist

By: Yadi Caro 


Last week I wrapped up my time supporting a very important military organization, where I was tasked with introducing agility to the IT department.  I enjoyed this job a lot! I had to put into practice all of the skills I have been discussing on my podcast and via this email with you: communications (lots of listening), managing time, showing others how to become more productive, resolving conflict... This role demonstrated to me once again how important these "soft" skills are to get the work done in the way we strive for. 

This week, I start a similar role with another military organization. The big twist is that its all remote! I have never worked remote before so this should be interesting. 

As I prepared for my new role, I decided to compile and share with you my 'to-do' list of things which are not necessarily included as part of your new-hire onboarding, but that are essential to succeed.

These apply to both on site and remote roles too!

  • Meet with your manager to listen about expectations on the role and business rules.
  • Communicate your own expectations (career growth, opportunities, etc,)
  • Meet with the team members and colleagues to get to know them. Sample questions: what do you enjoy to do, what is a perfect day for you, what has been your favorite day here (or the least), etc.
  •  Review the organizational chart, mission, vision and any relevant information
  • Plan your schedule. Add all meetings to calendar and plan your work day for work, meetings, breaks, etc.
  •  Identify which areas you need to learn about and set a learning schedule.
  •  Learn about your customers. What do they like? What do they not like so much? How can you communicate directly?
  •  Meet people in other teams. Many of us stay in silos and not venture out to see how we can get help.
  • Be curious and keep an open mind. 

If you want to practice any of your skills as you get started in your new job, listen (or re-listen) to all episodes here.