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Jan. 18, 2024

Hardcore Soft Skills Coaching: Dealing with Difficult People and Building Impact

I was spending a couple of weeks of vacation with my family with a balance of cold and hot winters, and celebrating my 41st birthday. 
Here is a post I shared on the lessons I learned as I attempt for get back on a snowboard, after two years of living in snow-less Florida. 

One of the key things I was reflecting on was on how would I integrate my big goals into my daily routine. Research says that while we focus on resolutions for the new year, we should be thinking about habits instead. So as I devised my plan for the 2024 I took these steps:

  • Established what are my top big goals. Even if we have many, defining the top two or three can help narrow our focus.  
  • Defined my top priorities and non negotiables. For example, my family is my top priority so I need to ensure any new 'habit' would not impact homework or hang out time with my children.
  • Designed a day and a week in the life, where I integrated actions which would get closer to my goals. These actions should be bite-sized. If I want to get my book published, committing to writing first thing in the morning for 45 minutes, no matter what, can be achievable.
  • Considered what actions or habits I needed to eliminate, scale back or modify based on my new routine. 
  • As I get this year started, finishing my degree in IO Psychology is one of my top priorities. This is why I committed to take on more course work and take a little break from posting new episodes to achieve this goal. However, as continuing sharing knowledge with you is another priority of mine, I figured that the easiest way to do so is to continue writing to you via my newsletter and sharing (almost) daily content on LinkedIn. 

Therefore, this is a great opportunity to get caught up or listen again to previous episodes. In case you did not know, you can get credit for listening! If you have a Project Management Professional certification, you can earn PDUs by listening to my podcast.