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Emotional Intelligence Episodes

April 30, 2024

Building 'Soft' Skills with AI: Camilo Rojas, Ph. D.

Lets talk about AI, Artificial Intelligence. You are probably using itn right now to make your life easier, create transcripts, products, images… but are you really using it to make yourself a better person? Today you will learn how in this...

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Sept. 6, 2022

Skills Coaching: Soft Skills Origins and Why Should You Care

In this episode we begin a series focused on providing actionable advice you can use to cultivate essential skills.  This week, we review: - Why do we use the term “soft” skills? - What are the most effective way ways to learn soft skills? -...

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April 22, 2021

Emotional Intelligence: Gilbert Eijkelenboom

This is the final episode of the season two. This season we have featured mini master classes from well-known experts so listen to the previous episodes from Season 1 and Season 2 to learn more. In this episode we discuss Emotional Intelligence. In my...

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