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Productivity Episodes

Nov. 28, 2023

Skills Coaching: How Do I Become More Productive?

This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team.  To get the details first of these limited...

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Dec. 29, 2022

Skills Coaching: Five Skills You Need for Your Next Career Move

If you are a regular listener of this podcast you know that beyond the learning you do for your work related skills to get you in the door, the “soft” skills are the ones that will truly make you succeed. Especially transitioning careers or...

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Oct. 4, 2022

Soft Skills Coaching: Manage Your Productivity

In this episode we talk about Productivity. You will learn key steps to manage your productivity in 5 steps. This is a framework you can use, including if you have Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  Listen to the episode with...

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Dec. 15, 2021

Yadi Caro on InnoLatino Podcast

This is the final episode of Season 4. In this episode we republish an interview from the podcast Innolatino hosted by Gonzalo Pena .   ------------------ Do you feel stuck in your career or organization? This episode will help your...

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Nov. 23, 2021

Replay: Productivity with David Allen

The book Getting Things Done, by David Allen, was published over 20 years ago and today is it as relevant as ever.  The book, has which been published in 30 languages, has turned into a whole methodology called GTD and it is now being taught by...

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March 25, 2021

Productivity: David Allen

The book Getting Things Done, by David Allen, was published over 20 years ago and today is it as relevant as ever.  The book, has which been published in 30 languages, has turned into a whole methodology called GTD and it is now being taught by...

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