In this episode recorded via LinkedIn Live, Empathy in Tech founder Andrea Goulet discusses why empathy is essential in tech and how to build it in organizations. For coaching opportunities for you and your team, go to If you want …
Listen to my interview in the Empathy in Tech podcast (. If you want to receive more information, subscribe to my newsletter via Connect with me via LinkedIn at
Picture this, you are giving a presentation to a new customer about this app or this dashboard your team created, explained all the cool technical features at length. You feel good, you think you killed it since you prepared for …
Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast was launched a year ago! Therefore, we are re-broadcasting a recent interview from the Empathy for Breakfast podcast with Mimi Nicklin which features an interview with Yadi Caro. Yadi shares more about her career and the...
Empathy at work can bring great business value and increase our ability to become better leaders. In this episode we speak with Mimi Nicklin is the bestselling author of Softening The Edge, the host of the ‘Empathy for Breakfast’ show...