If you lsten to this podcast, you are definitely into improving yourself. You read boks, listen to podcast, seek mentors, and you are loking for answers to help you get to a next level. You need coaching. Even if you have not yet hired the help...
If you lsten to this podcast, you are definitely into improving yourself. You read boks, listen to podcast, seek mentors, and you are loking for answers to help you get to a next level. You need coaching. Even if you have not yet hired the help of an actual coach, you can take steps to coach yourself.
Coach Yourself us the title of the book of my guest Antonia Bowring (https://www.ab-strategies.com/ ). Antonia is a highly credentialed, top New York executive coach. She works primarily with founders, C-Suite executives, and leadership teams. One of Antonia’s areas of expertise is helping neurodiverse leaders, especially those with ADHD. Today you will learn various frameworks addressed in her book and setps you can take to start coaching yourself.
Connect with me via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/yadiraycaro/ or email me at yadi@hardcoresoftskillspodcast.com