This episode marks the end of Season 3. We have learned about skills such as curiosity, agility, mindfulness, change management, writing, grit and others. One skill that for many of us is quite difficult to master is personal branding. How …
In this episode we talk about Mindfulness. My guest Jon Macaskill ( and ) is a a retired Navy Seal Commander who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Panama. He is now co-host of the podcast Men Talking Mindfulness ( …
Today we will talk about Confidence. Have you felt at any point in your career that you were underqualified for a role? Or perhaps you fear that at any moment someone will find out that you don’t really deserve that …
Today we will talk about what you need to do make change happen. My guest is the authority on change. John P. Kotter () is a best-selling author, award winning business and management thought leader, business entrepreneur and Harvard Professor. …
This week’s interview was one I had wanted to do for a long time. I work as Product Owner working closely with software developers creating apps at a military organization. We use the Scrum framework, which is one of the …
In this episode we talk about Curiosity. This time we talk about the scientific research on Curiosity with Dr Alison Hostmeyer ( She is a humanistic researcher and talent development consultant. Her research focuses on...
Today our focus will be not on the concept of skills but attributes. If you are a frequent listener of this podcast you know I really enjoy talking with current and former members of the military because they have great …
In this episode we talk about one of the skills most difficult to master: good writing. My guest is Leslie O’Flahavan is a get to the point writer and experienced instructor. She is the owner of the company E-write () …
Tech- savviness or being Tech-Savvy is not just about knowing a ‘how to,’ but about cultivating the desire to always be learning more. This is what we will talk about today with my guest Bob Fabien Zinga () Fabien is …
Today we will talk about Grit and our expert is former Army Colonel David Fivecoat ( ), who served twenty-four years as an infantry officer, leading men and women during contingency operations in Kosovo and Bosnia, three combat tours in …