Curiosity can save help your team and your job. In this episode, you will learn why this skill is so essential and how to master it. If you want to receive more information, subscribe to my newsletter via Connect with me via LinkedIn at...
One of the most popular episodes was the interview with John Kotter, author of multiple books and the authority of change management. You can listen to it here: In this episode, we will review the 8 steps for change management from John...
This is the last episode of season 8 until we return in a few weeks. I have been fcusing a lot this season on the topic of agility since this is a central skill to the way we work, even though this concept is regularly associated with...
Today we feature Jon Kern ( , one of the co-authors of the Agile Manifesto. His career has spanned jet engine R&D and flight simulators, to being an object-oriented and lightweight process evangelist through the 90s, authoring books, and...
In this episode I speak with Julie Jungalwala, a leadership instructor at Harvard, the founder of the Institute for the Future of Learning. Today we speak about her research on reinvention and what you can do to reinvent yourself in a competitive...
Today you'll hera my interview with Aarie van Benekum ( and ), one of the co-signers of the Agile Manifesto ( His career in software development started as developer and technical designer, and in the 90s, he switched from traditional...
This episode is a podcast collaboration with the Team Coaching Zone Podcast . Dr. Krister Lowe is Co-founder and Chief of Innovation at He is the pioneer of the Team Coaching Zone Podcast and the Co-Editor of The...