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Aug. 2, 2022

Leadership: Bailey Barnell and Hamza Khan

Leadership: Bailey Barnell and Hamza Khan

In this episode we talk about Leadership. While we think some people are born leaders, I believe in most cases leadership is something we develop as time goes on. We may not even be aware of our leadership skills or we think we are just great but we...

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Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast

In this episode we talk about Leadership. While we think some people are born leaders, I believe in most cases leadership is something we develop as time goes on. We may not even be aware of our leadership skills or we think we are just great but we simply suck. 

My two guests today will discuss their journey on leadership. Bailey Parnell is the founder and CEO of Skills Camp (https://www.skillscamp.co/),  a soft skills company that works with business and professional institutions. She is also an award winning digital storyteller. Hamza Kahn (https://www.hamzakhan.ca/) is the co-founder of soft skills camp, speaker and author of the books burnout gamble and leadership reinvented. 

We spoke with this couple about their leadership journey and advice on how to become better leaders. 

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If you are ready to enhance the skills you need to advance your career or the performance of your team, visit  https://www.hardcoresoftskillspodcast.com/support/  


Dec. 17, 2020

Time Management: Adrian Shepherd

In this final episode of the season, we talk about Time Management with Adrian Shepherd, who focuses on consulting with individuals and companies on productivity. His background in education helped him develop The One-Bite Time Management System...

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Dec. 10, 2020

Diversity Awareness: Karen Catlin

In this episode we talked about Diversity and specifically Diversity Awareness. While Diversity may be seem as part of an initiative a company takes on to  ensure people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures are treated as equal,...

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