If you are entering a new team or managing a new team, it can be quite intimidating especially if you are the new person. In this episode, you will learn about the 5Cs framework: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Create and Correct. For...
This episode is part 2 of a conversation with Enrique Acosta Gonzalez, military veteran, author and host of the Developing the Leader Within podcast. You can see the full episode here Today we focus on emotional intelliugence: how to build it,...
This episode is part 1 of a conversation with Enrique Acosta Gonzalez, military veteran, author and host of the Developing the Leader Within podcast. You can see the full episode here We talked about well leadership, how to collaborate in...
In this epsiode, I will address two points of view. As an employer or hiring manager, how do you assess for soft skills? As a job seeker, how do you demonstrate tou have those skills.
You may have seen multiple articles describing how important are "soft" skills for the future of work. If you are looking for a job or thinking about the next steps on your career you'd want to listen to this episode so you know what to prepare...
Listen to my interview in the Empathy in Tech podcast (. If you want to receive more information, subscribe to my newsletter via Connect with me via LinkedIn at
Do you know what makes an individual thrive in a challenging situation? It is not physical ability or technical skill. The secret may be on using the right combination of attributes. What are attributes and why can we use these to maximize our...
Today you will be listening to another podcast We talked aboiut the missing patrt when it comes to implementation agile, the how to deal with the people part. That is, how improtrant is it for us to practice our soft skills to become...
How do I help my team become agile? Hello and welcome to episode 100 of the HSS. If this hapesn to be the first episode you lsten to, in each episode I discuss a difefernt essential skill with the help of an expert. I have...
It is time to take an inventory of your year, figure out what do you eally want: a new job, a new career, growth. So I will replay an excerpt of my interview with executive coach and author Dr Gary Crotaz. He is considered one of the top...
This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team. To get the details first of these limited...
This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team. To get the details first of these limited...
This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team. To get the details first of these limited...
This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team. To get the details first of these limited...
This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team. To get the details first of these limited...