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Soft Skills Episodes

Nov. 23, 2023

Skills Coaching: How do I Become a Better Leader?

This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team.  To get the details first of these limited...

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Nov. 21, 2023

Skills Coaching: How to I Deal with Verbal Confrontation?

This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team.  To get the details first of these limited...

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Nov. 14, 2023

Skills Coaching: How Do You Reflect 'Soft' Skills in Your Job Intervi…

This season I am officially lunching coaching opportunities for us to work together so you can master skills we discuss here, become a high performer in your career and lead ahigh performing team,     To get the details first of these...

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Sept. 26, 2023

Skills Coaching: Why Do You Need Curiosity and How to Master It

Curiosity can save help your team and your job. In this episode, you will learn why this skill is so essential and how to master it.  If you want to receive more information, subscribe to my newsletter via   Connect with me via LinkedIn at...

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Sept. 19, 2023

Skills Coaching: 8 Steps to Make Change Happen

One of the most popular episodes was the interview with John Kotter, author of multiple books and the authority of change management.  You can listen to it here:   In this episode, we will review the 8 steps for change management from John...

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March 28, 2023

Yadi Caro on the Because You Need to Know Podcast

This week features an episode for the podcast Because You Need to Know with Ediwn K. Morris (  This podcats is focused on sharing with ideas about knolwdege management. We talked about the future of KM, the key soft skils we need to succeed and...

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March 16, 2023

Skill Coaching: Steps to Assess Candidates

In this mini-episode, learn the do's and don'ts on using assessments to hire new people in your  team.  For more resources, sign up for the newsletter at Connect with me via

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March 2, 2023

Skill Coaching: Becoming a Meta-Leader to Manage a Crisis

In this mini-episode, learn the steps to manage a crisis from the lens of a meta-leader.  For more resources, sign up for the newsletter at Connect with me via

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Feb. 23, 2023

Skills Coaching: Explaining What you Do and Other Communication Tips

In this mini-episode, learn how to manage conflict, do a better pitch and answer the question "So, what do you do?" For more resources, sign up for the newsletter at Connect with me via

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Feb. 16, 2023

Skills Coaching: Mastering Your Self-Leadership

In this short episode, learn 3 steps to help you achieve self-leadership and be able to lead others.  For more resources, sign up for the newsletter at Connect with me via

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Feb. 9, 2023

Skill Coaching: How to Build Your Confidence

In this short episode, learn the steps to get rid of impostor syndrome and learn confidence.  For more resources, sign up for the newsletter at Connect with me via

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Jan. 18, 2023

Skills Coaching: 3 Mistakes When Adopting Agile

This episode marks the end of season 6. Today I intend to answer a question: how do we become more agile? Here are three reasons why Agile initiatives fail and what skills to use to address this.  Here are some of the resources shared on the...

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Jan. 11, 2023

Skills Coaching: Why Your Meetings Suck and What to Do About It

If hearing the expression “let’s have a meeting” makes you cringe, you are not alone. Why? Because you and I have been part of some terrible, terrible meetings. Meetings which should have been an email, long meetings where only one person is...

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Dec. 29, 2022

Skills Coaching: Five Skills You Need for Your Next Career Move

If you are a regular listener of this podcast you know that beyond the learning you do for your work related skills to get you in the door, the “soft” skills are the ones that will truly make you succeed. Especially transitioning careers or...

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Dec. 14, 2022

Skills Coaching: Making Tech Teams Powerful with Hari Haralambiev

What makes a tech team successful? The great teams and the really good team members integrate their non-technical skills to ensure they deliver good products. To talk more about this, I invited Harry Haralambiev and he's a teamwork and soft skills...

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